Hello Pumpkin is back and we are so happy to be here!
Anneli RobertsShare
Hello Pumpkins 🧡 I hope that you’re feeling curious, hopeful and ready for autumn.
I’m Anneli; owner of Hello Pumpkin and artist behind the little handmade goodies! Wonderful that you’ve found my small business and very grateful to have you here.
We've been on a 3 month long break for health reasons and it has done me the world of good. Thank you to everyone who has supported us in the meantime - your encouragement, kindness and energy have been so so appreciated.
Well, we are back and I thought it was a great time to actually write our first blog post to kick things off. I intend to share Hello Pumpkin news, updates and other bits and pieces here but the first post always feels a bit pressured on this kind of things doesn’t it? *awkward waves* hi!
I’ve made some changes to the site over the last couple of weeks, in preparation for relaunch, and I have some more fun ideas that I hope won’t just fade into my “good intentions” archives!
Trying to make a success of a small business (or any project) while trying to survive and thrive with PTSD is not an easy balance to strike and I am currently in the precarious position where I do need to put my health first. However, for the first time in a long time, I’m also feeling very hopeful for the future and excited to see if I have what it takes to make Hello Pumpkin a success! Certainly going to give it a good go :)
Now that I have a little bit of creative freedom from some of the more difficult things I’ve been navigating, I have found that I’m able to put a lot more of my heart into Hello Pumpkin.
I’ve been able to add some little features that I adore. I feel unreasonably proud of the fact that you can now shop by Mood, Aesthetic and Biome. I wish I had the spoons and finances to be able to turn Hello Pumpkin into a physical space one day that people can walk into and browse and experience the magic of but, for now, I want to do what I can to add magic and whimsy digitally.
Our first year of trading will end on December 9th (which is my Finnish nameday) and I am so proud that I’ve been able to launch twice in that time and send out over 50 orders so far.
I can really see the merit of building something up slowly from scratch and not growing too fast. I’m learning how to run an e-commerce business, marketing, Shopify and a whole bunch of other bits and pieces as I go. Hoping to branch into different skills and markets when I feel like I’m ready.
With your support, despite the hardships, I have accomplished a lot. I look forward to the day that I can look back at our beginnings and be like “WOW, I really did that”
OK. I will stop rambling now. Enjoy the site!
Welcome back you. Welcome back, me. Welcome back, Hello Pumpkin!