Hello Pumpkins!

Thank you for being here.

I'm Anneli - the founder of Hello Pumpkin and the artist behind the handmade fairytale products that are in store.

If you frequently see little bits of magic in the world (or you'd like to), then you'll enjoy getting to know me and my art.

I really hope that you find something here that you want. I hope that something amuses, intrigues or calls to you and that you treat yourself to that thing and that it brings you joy,

About the artist

Do you remember going to the cinema when you were a child? What a magical experience. Well, if that was in the 90s - and I don't want to make anyone feel old (least of all myself) - then you might remember the little square lights along the edges of the floor that I used to spend entire movies obsessing over.

I've realised that they probably are very much still there and that they probably also have a proper name that would have saved me a lot of typing.
I actually think that they are in all kinds of places... usually leading the way to a fire exit!

Well, anyway, I used to be absolutely convinced that those lights were the lit windows of tiny mouse houses. And that there was a whole rich and intricate tapestry of mouse life going on back there that was smaller than our world - but just as important.

I used to stare intensely at those lights.

I think I was waiting to see the telltale silhouette of a mouse in a hat - or something else that would prove my theory right. But, in reality, I didn't need to see it. I was already convinced. I believed. I'm really not very sure how much I've changed since then. If at all.

There have been times in my life when I haven't been able to connect with my inner child in the way I can now. I'm a domestic abuse survivor and I lost my Mum at a young age. I've spent many years struggling with my mental health, but I'm working hard at recovery and, through dreaming and creating, I've been able to see magic in the world again. I can't tell you how amazing it feels.

When you lose precious things and are fortunate enough to have them back,
it really helps you understand just how important a part of you those things are.

All of our experiences shape how we see the world. Not everything I see and feel from day to day is magical or whimsical. But Hello Pumpkin is my way of inviting as much everyday magic into my life as I can.

I really hope that there is something here that you can connect with.

Anyway, I hope that you get the chance to see those little square lights again sometime soon. Maybe you've never noticed them before but I promise you, when you do, they're really something.

Continue reading to learn more about Hello Pumpkin

the Art behind Hello Pumpkin

Hello Pumpkin is the result of years of crafting without direction. It has happened as a result of exploring many many different creative pursuits before finally admitting that I love them all equally and couldn't possibly choose.

Our handmade products are cobbled together using artistic techniques and technical skills that I've picked up along the way. And actually, it turns out, that I wandering without any clear destination has allowed me to find the most fulfilling pastime of all - fairy crafting.

The book nooks, fairy doors and other enchanted items that you'll find here are lovingly put together by me using many many art forms. If you look closely, you'll see the scupting, painting, carving, woodwork, wirework, needlework and weaving that goes into making the miniature worlds that I dream up and bring to life.

Inspired by Nature

I'm constantly surprised and inspired by the world around us and its changing seasons.
Nowhere in the world is this more true than in Wales, where I was born and where I live today.

  • Forests, flora & fauna

    I am blessed to live in a place that gives me access to forests and other wild places and I frequently forage for craft supplies while out walking with my partner and dog.


    I'm always on the lookout for interesting leaves, twigs and bits of organic material that I can incorporate into my creations.


    If you follow my social media accounts, you might see me share some of the natural treasures I find and later spot it woven into one of my fairy houses or tucked into a book nook!

  • Growing up in North Wales

    Being raised near the mountains, the forests and the seas meant I connected with nature and wildlife basically from birth.


    My experience of growing up in North Wales meant being surrounded by a community of people who care for and are connected to the nature that surrounds us here.


    Eryri is very close to my childhood home - and I actually spent the majority of lockdown living in a tiny cottage at the foot of Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon). The mountain air in itself is made of magic.

  • Welsh Folklore & Fairytales

    Welsh people are renowned for being a little superstitious and for having a healthy respect for fables and folklore.


    We have a rich tapestry of mythology and legend that is woven into our cultural identity and Wales has always been historically linked to magic and witchcraft.


    Naturally, I think that my ancestors probably believed in fairies too and I like to think that I've inherited that from some wild and long forgotten great great great great Nain.

How we got started

I dreamed up Hello Pumpkin during the 2020 lockdowns, while I was living at the bottom of Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon) in a teeny tiny Quarryman's cottage.

Read about the beginning of Hello Pumpkin

Meet the Hello Pumpkin team!

Hello Pumpkin simpy would not function without its tight knit team of dedicated employees.

They're a fantastic group of uniquely talented and motivational professionals and they all look truly wonderful in their business attire. I think you'll like them.

  • Douglas Fur

    Doug is the chief Morale Booster here at Hello Pumpkin and he's the liveliest, most passionate colleague I've ever worked alongside.

    His responsibilities include:

    • Sniffing and inspecting things
    • Opening parcels
    • Carrying things up and down the stairs
    • Company on long walks
    • Keeping spirits high
    • Operating the delivery driver alert system

    Doug is a reliable and comforting presence around the office. His interests include socks, cheese and toast!

  • Piglet

    Piglet runs the Health & Wellbeing department here at Hello Pumpkin. She is tiny, floofy and very very brave. She is also in charge of catering, which is why we eat mostly parsley!

    Her responsibilities include:

    • Sounding the morning alarm
    • Sounding the snack time alarm
    • Sounding the break time alarm

    • Sounding the night time alarm
    • Parsley distribution

    Piglet is a very small, very brave animal just like her namesake. She provides comfort and love to her sister, Pumpkin.

  • Pumpkin

    Pumpkin is the official mascot for Hello Pumpkin and was named because of this great responsibility. Pumpkin is timid, vocal and very hungry. She brings so much joy to the office!

    Her responsibilities include:

    • Having an extraordinary amount of fur
    • Representing the brand on social media
    • Foraging
    • Assisting Piglet with alarm management
    • Being adorable

    Pumpkin collects fur for a living. Her hobbies include scurrying, sniffling and occupying the space under the office desk!

How we do things at Hello Pumpkin

Like all businesses, Hello Pumpkin is built on a code of principals and core values that I use to guide and inform the way I make decisions. Everything from creating my art to finding other stock and designing the packaging is guided by the way I hope Hello Pumpkin will grow into being a gentle and ethical business.